Do you need to boost an ongoing project or cause in these areas with expert input and active participation?
Would your member organisations or staff benefit from professional training, coaching and strategic advice in Advocacy with the EU institutions or other public authorities, specifically tailored for your needs and with a unique participatory and interactive methodology? Would that help you reach your goals?
Does your team or do you yourself need coaching or participatory facilitation to overcome challenges, be happy at work, boost your efficiency and results with a human-centred approach?
Do you personally want to get rid of some limiting habits, to create the life you want, to clarify and reach personal objectives – thanks to a unique coaching methodology based on consciousness?
Do you value experience and also creativity, reliability, active listening, high ethical standards and commitment to success?

Projects and evaluations that need high quality and measurable impact? From short-term senior expert input to long-term involvement and guidance.

You want to enhance the success of your advocacy? You need to better find your way in the labyrinth of EU Institutions? A participatory training and coaching in (EU) advocacy best practices will help you and your team develop your in-house expertise and results over the long run.

Happier and more efficient at work - and with yourself? Team and personal coaching based on creative consciousness and participatory management methods deliver great results.
The mission of humanBOOST is to contribute to build a world where the well-being of human and other living beings and the quality of their environment are more and more central. Experience, motivation, enthousiasm, reliability, tenacity, empathy, consciousness, quality and impact are humanBOOST’s key-words.
After a solid education I acquired 20+ years’ experience in senior positions in well-known Non-Governmental Organisations active in the social, democracy, human rights and gender equality sectors.
Over the years, I developed a field expertise as well as an in-depth knowledge of EU policies and projects in these areas. I completed these skills and got trained as an evaluator, trainer, facilitator and coach. I added participatory governance and collective intelligence tools in my toolbox.

Thanks to her precise participatory methodology involving all members, partners and staff of the World Coalition Against the Death penalty and using mixed methods (questionnaires, interviews, data analysis), Sandrine Grenier managed to grasp, in a relatively short time, the complexity of the World Coalition and produced an excellent evaluation report in just a few months. This report has allowed us to understand better our strengths and weaknesses and has given us some clues to address the challenges we face.

The training organised by Sandrine allowed our team, composed of hardened practicioners, to systematise and fine-tune their knowledge, but also to improve collective work on better defined common grounds, making use of already present competences. A must-have step towards building an efficient advocacy with the EU Institutions!

Very good training and introduction to the EU institutions and advocacy. It was very informative and interesting. Excellently delivered by Sandrine.

Personal coaching with Sandrine has allowed me to identify, reconsider, then overcome some recurrent limitations I had in professional or personal situations where my balance between intellect and affect was sometimes pushing me into sub-optimal decisions. She is patient and tenacious in helping to set objectives, meet them, and view many initially unconscious mechanisms, become conscious, hence objectified and subject to change.